Integrate All Paths
to Knowledge

Revolutionizing the Research Pipeline by AI-Enhanced Reading, Searching, and Writing for Unparalleled Efficiency

Trusted by Researchers At

Instantly Extract
Research Insights

Supercharge your research capability. Extract summaries from academic papers and have insightful research conversations by interacting with AI.

Daily Papers

Personalized Daily Papers

Personalized Daily Papers

Choose your preferred research topics and receive daily recommendations for cutting-edge research papers tailored to your interests.

Effortless Natural
Language Search

Forget keyword constraints and describe what you're searching for in your own words. Our AI assistant will understand you and efficiently uncover relevant papers and resources.

Research Library

All-in-One Research Library

All-in-One Research Library

Preserve and easily access your important research documents. Manage and categorize your research ideas in an all-encompassing, personal research library.

How TXYZ Works

How TXYZ Works

Scale Invariant
Information Retrieval

Scale Invariant Information Retrieval

Our retrieval algorithm, expertly tailored for research documents, leverages advanced AI technology to adeptly manage information retrieval requests, ranging from highly detailed, specific inquiries to broader, more general searches.

Mitigating Hallucination
by Providing Facts

Mitigating Hallucination by Providing Facts

Integrating factual knowledge with the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models to minimize hallucinations and deliver dependable answers.

AI Assistant

Ever-Improving AI Assistant

Our AI research assistant is steadily enhancing its capabilities across a broader range of research tasks, while simultaneously becoming more personalized to better meet individual needs.

The Future AI
Platform for R&D

Academic Research

What are recent papers on quantum information? What methods are used in this paper? What other papers talked about this topic? Ask anything about research papers and get an instant, informed answer.

Industry R&D

What experimental methods have been tried in synthesizing this compound? What are the advantages of this machine learning model compared with other models? Let the AI assistant help you to greatly expeditate your R&D tasks.

Market Research

What are the current trends in consumer behavior for the health and wellness industry? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the products provided by Company A and Company B? Greatly reduce the workload of market research by chatting with AI.

Training and Knowledge Sharing

What are the assumptions and rationales behind this decision? Who is the best colleague to assist me in resolving this issue? What progress has been made on this subject? Increase your efficiency by having the entire enterprise's knowledge at your fingertips.

The Future AI
Platform for R&D

Academic Research

What are recent papers on quantum information? What methods are used in this paper? What other papers talked about this topic? Ask anything about research papers and get an instant, informed answer.

Industry R&D

What experimental methods have been tried in synthesizing this compound? What are the advantages of this machine learning model compared with other models? Let the AI assistant help you to greatly expeditate your R&D tasks.

Market Research

What are the current trends in consumer behavior for the health and wellness industry? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the products provided by Company A and Company B? Greatly reduce the workload of market research by chatting with AI.

Training and Knowledge Sharing

What are the assumptions and rationales behind this decision? Who is the best colleague to assist me in resolving this issue? What progress has been made on this subject? Increase your efficiency by having the entire enterprise's knowledge at your fingertips.

The Future AI
Platform for R&D

Academic Research

What are recent papers on quantum information? What methods are used in this paper? What other papers talked about this topic? Ask anything about research papers and get an instant, informed answer.

Industry R&D

What experimental methods have been tried in synthesizing this compound? What are the advantages of this machine learning model compared with other models? Let the AI assistant help you to greatly expeditate your R&D tasks.

Market Research

What are the current trends in consumer behavior for the health and wellness industry? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the products provided by Company A and Company B? Greatly reduce the workload of market research by chatting with AI.

Training and Knowledge Sharing

What are the assumptions and rationales behind this decision? Who is the best colleague to assist me in resolving this issue? What progress has been made on this subject? Increase your efficiency by having the entire enterprise's knowledge at your fingertips.

The Future AI
Platform for R&D

Academic Research

What are recent papers on quantum information? What methods are used in this paper? What other papers talked about this topic? Ask anything about research papers and get an instant, informed answer.

Industry R&D

What experimental methods have been tried in synthesizing this compound? What are the advantages of this machine learning model compared with other models? Let the AI assistant help you to greatly expeditate your R&D tasks.

Market Research

What are the current trends in consumer behavior for the health and wellness industry? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the products provided by Company A and Company B? Greatly reduce the workload of market research by chatting with AI.

Training and Knowledge Sharing

What are the assumptions and rationales behind this decision? Who is the best colleague to assist me in resolving this issue? What progress has been made on this subject? Increase your efficiency by having the entire enterprise's knowledge at your fingertips.


How do researchers use TXYZ?

How do researchers use TXYZ?

How do researchers use TXYZ?

How do researchers use TXYZ?

Can TXYZ be used for tasks other than reading research papers?

Can TXYZ be used for tasks other than reading research papers?

Can TXYZ be used for tasks other than reading research papers?

Can TXYZ be used for tasks other than reading research papers?

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Your service is impressive. Is there an API available for integration?

Your service is impressive. Is there an API available for integration?

Your service is impressive. Is there an API available for integration?

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How reliable are the answers in TXYZ?

How reliable are the answers in TXYZ?

How reliable are the answers in TXYZ?

What happens to documents uploaded to TXYZ?

What happens to documents uploaded to TXYZ?

What happens to documents uploaded to TXYZ?

What happens to documents uploaded to TXYZ?

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How can I contact the team?

How can I contact the team?

How can I contact the team?